Sara Vallejo Castaño
Scientific project manager
My research focuses on the design, characterization, and upscaling of electrochemically driven systems for CO2 capture and purification from flue gas steams using bipolar membrane electrodialysis. I have also developed lab and pilot scale processes for mineral recovery and renewable energy generation.
PhD, Mechanical Engineering (Major: Thermal Sciences), UCLA, USA, 2021
MSc, Chemical Engineering, Universidad Nacional, Colombia, 2017
BSc, Chemical Engineering, Universidad Nacional, Colombia, 2014
Research interests
CO2 capture; Electrodialysis; Electrochemistry; Upscaling Process design
Selected list of publications
- S. Vallejo Castaño, Q. Shu, M. Shi, R. Blauw, P. Loldrup Fosbøl, P. Kuntke, M. Tedesco, H.V.M. Hamelers, Optimizing alkaline solvent regeneration through bipolar membrane electrodialysis for carbon capture, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 488, 150870, ISSN 1385-8947 (2024)
- S. Vallejo Castaño, E. Callagon La Plante, M. Collin, G. Sant, L. Pilon, A pilot-process for calcium hydroxide production from iron slag by low-temperature precipitation, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 3, 107792, ISSN 2213-3437 (2022)
- S. Vallejo Castaño, E. Callagon La Plante, S. Shimoda, B. Wang, N. Neithalath, G. Sant and L. Pilon, Calcination-free production of calcium hydroxide at sub-boiling temperatures, RSC Advances, Volume 11, 1762–1772 (2021)
- M. Roldan-Carvajal, S. Vallejo-Castaño, O. Álvarez-Silva, S. Bernal-García, S. Arango-Aramburo, C. I. Sánchez-Sáenz and A. F. Osorio, Salinity gradient power by reverse electrodialysis: A multidisciplinary assessment in the Colombian context, Desalination, 503, 114933 (2021)