Martijn Bezemer
Scientific advisor
We study how we can steer soils and soil microbiomes with the aim to get healthier plants and soils. We work in production grasslands, and cropland and steer soil microbiomes via inoculation, via the plant and via addition of substrates to the soil. I lead a research group at the Institute of Biology of Leiden University.
PhD, Biology, Imperial College, London, UK, 1999
MSc, Crop protection, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 1994
Research interests
Soils, Microbiomes, healthy crops, aboveground-belowground interactions
Selected list of publications
- Steinauer K, Thakur MP, Weinhold A, Hannula ES, Uthe H, van Dam NM, Bezemer TM, Root exudates and rhizosphere microbiomes jointly determine temporal shifts in plant-soil feedbacks. Plant, Cell and Environment 46: 1885-1899 (2023)
- Jing J, Cong WF, Bezemer TM, Legacies at work: plant-soil-microbiome interactions underpinning agricultural sustainability. Trends in Plant Science 27: 781-792 (2022)
- Luo Y, Van Veelen HPJ, Chen S, Sechi V, Ter Heijne A, Veeken A, Buisman CJN, Bezemer TM, Effects of sterilization and maturity of compost on soil bacterial and fungal communities and wheat growth. Geoderma 409: 115598 (2022)
- Hannula SE, Heinen R, Huberty M, Steinauer K, De Long JR, Jongen R, Bezemer TM, Persistence of plant-mediated microbial soil legacy effects in soil and inside roots. Nature Communications 12: 5686 (2021)
- Wubs ERJ, Van der Putten WH, Bosch M, Bezemer TM, Soil inoculation steers restoration of terrestrial ecosystems. Nature Plants 2: 16107 (2016)