Wetsus granted EU status “HR excellence in Research’
Wetsus has earned the recognition “HR excellence in Research” The action plan that Wetsus made to obtain this will be implemented in the coming years.
The European Commission wants to promote openness and transparency on labour markets for researchers. To this end, Wetsus has drawn up a charter and code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers. These documents contribute to making an academic career more appealing and to promoting employment. For further information, go to the charter and code of conduct. Links op phd site
The charter and the code of conduct contain 40 basic principles. For the implementation, a procedure has been drawn up that includes an internal analysis of regulations, the methodology and how to draft a plan for improvement. In the request as submitted to the commission, a GAP analysis is used to detail our HR policies in a plan for improvement that includes necessary actions. This involved carefully examining 40 basic principles in the charter and the code of conduct. Wetsus endorses the principles in the charter and the code of conduct. Mobility is one of the spearheads in the HR strategy, with an open and transparent labor market promoting career prospects for researchers.
Research centres that act in line with the principles of the charter and the code of conduct acquire the logo HR excellence in research. Wetsus has earned the recognition ‘HR excellence in Research’ in 2021. Wetsus will carry out a self-assessment after two years into the progress of the implementation of the charter and the code of conduct and into the progress of the plan for improvement.
Continue reading on our dedicated recruitment website: www.phdpositionswetsus.eu.
For more information, you can click on the links below for the Action plan, OTMR checklist and the gap analysis.
Wetsus acts according to the Dutch code of conduct for selection and recruitment.
Charter and the code of conduct Euraxess
Gap analysis, action plan and OTMR
Dutch code of conduct for selection and recruitment
HRS4R Timeline and planning
Gender Equality Plan Wetsus
Recruitment procedure PhD researchers, Postdoc- and experienced researcher
You can find the procedure here